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Land Purchasing:

Land is necessary for Farming for foods, for building a houses, for building communities and building for businesses....

Lands in Ghana in the city areas are getting really expensive as foreigners (Europeans, Chinese, Indians) are buying up majority of the lands and increasing their prices. Lands can sell for up to $12,000USD per plot in certain locations where the foreigners live and conduct business. Lands in the mid suburbs goes for $8000USD per plot, and in the suburbs there are plots for close to $4000USD.

In the Akuapim mountain regions we have lands going for $3000USD per acre. Lands purchased in parcels costs less per acreage. There are currently few 10 acres being sold in this region closer to Akropong-Akuapim.

In the Tinkong area of the Eastern Region close to Koforidua, there are 64 acres of land for sale. These lands can be used for farming and building. It is around $3500USD per acre and is reduces with purchase of multiple acreage.

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