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  • Will we get any physical proof of purchase?
    Yes, whenever you buy a land you will get a property hand signed document (Indenture) from the seller in your name (In the case a seller will not sell to foreigners we have a trusted Ghanaian amongst us who puts the land in his name and transfers it over when buyers gain residency). We will send these documents and all correspondents to you certified mail. When buyer(s) arrive to Ghana it is the buyer's responsibility to register the land with the government, we will assist in this process as well.
  • How many lands can we purchase?
    You can buy as much lands as you can afford in all regions. Some lands are owned by families, some are by the chief in a particular region, so the purchases might be total purchased or 50 years for residents and 99 years for citizens. Ghana is granting residency and citizenship to people of the Diaspora.
  • Are lands in Ghana affordable?
    Yes, depending on how much you are willing to spend and the region you desire to live in. it is super affordable and starts as low as $3200.00 for 1 acre in the mountain regions in certain area and depending on sellers, and $5000.00 for plots closer to major cities. Because more foreigners (Europeans, Chinese, Indians) are entering Ghana these days, they are buying up lots of lands at higher prices and this raises land values. Some Ghanaian land owners become ambitious and greedy and are selling higher. The ones we deal with are willing to work with us and people we deal with.
  • Are land purchases in Ghana legit and conclusive?
    All documents (Indenture) are legit as per the issuing government body. It's the buyer's responsibility to make sure of the sellers intentions and agreements before signing and moving forward. There are greedy Ghanaians who sells lands to multiple people and leave them to fight it out in the courts.
  • Can retired people receive their pensions and retirements in Ghana?
    Yes, retired and pensioned people from the US and other places can receive their money through any major bank in Ghana. Before leaving the US you must inform your perspective bank(s) that you will be overseas so that they will not view your card activities as fraudulent.
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